Static or mobile crane?

The choice between a static crane and mobile hydraulic crane is not always easy. Often, an attempt to save money leads to the opposite effects. Choosing a device without sufficient power will make work much more difficult, if not impossible. However it is worth it to consider the advantages of each option.

Static and mobile cranes, contrary to appearances, have different applications

Although classic (static)cranes and mobile cranes are primarily used to transport heavy objects from place to place, they are commonly used in slightly different places. For example, static cranes are often found on construction sites, where they are used to lift people, equipment and other objects. Although these applications overlap with mobile cranes, they ultimately have very different functions.

HDS mają ograniczony w porównaniu do stacjonarnych maszyn udźwig, a także ograniczoną długość ramienia. Co prawda, możliwe jest poprawienie drugiego z parametrów w HDS stosując "przedłużki" ramienia. Nasze przedłużenie ramienia pozwala osiągnąć 23 metry zasięgu i około 250 kg udźwigu, wiele zależy tutaj od rozmiaru samego HDS-u. Duży dźwig na taką odległość bez problemu podaje elementy o wadze nawet przekraczającej 2 tony.

Mobile cranes have a lower lifting capacity compared to stationary machines, as well as a smaller arm length. Admittedly, it is possible to improve the second parameter in a mobile crane using "extensions" for the arm. Our arm extension allows you to reach up to 23 meters, with 250 kg of lifting capacity. Yet a lot depends on the size of the mobile crane itself, as larger models can easily handle items weighing over 2 tons at this distance..

On the other hand, themobile crane significantly outperforms classic cranes when it comes to practicality, resulting from their mobility. Lifts mounted on trucks can be easily moved within the construction site. They can travel on the roads. In addition, they have up to 7 meters of free cargo space in the vehicle on which the crane is mounted. Mobile cranes can be safely used to transport materials or even machines. Transporting the mobile crane allows you to handle the loading, transport, and unloading of a machine using a single device. It is the perfect example of optimized transport.

Moreover, mobile crane services are typically less expensive than static cranes. However some advantages of using static cranes cannot be compensated for. For example, large cranes with added ballasts allow you to lift very heavy loads, which may be unattainable for mobile cranes.In addition, materials can be moved much further with classic cranes, so they are often necessary for the transport of the heaviest machines. Of course, it will also be necessary to utilize a tractor trailer, but this allows you to transport much larger and heavier machines, as you are not limited by the small cargo space and the load capacity of the mobile crane.

What to choose, static or mobile crane?

It depends. If you need a very mobile solution and you don't need enormous lifting capacity levels, the mobile crane will be better and cheaper. If reach and lifting capacity are crucial, then a traditional, static crane will be necessary.

If you need static or mobile crane services, consider Oksel, as we are specialists in the market. Precision and safety are what we will provide during transport. Contact us today.